Jurnal Ilmiah Tata Sejuta STIA Mataram http://www.ejurnalstiamataram.ac.id/index.php/tatasejuta Jurnal Ilmiah Tata Sejuta STIA Mataram Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Mataram en-US Jurnal Ilmiah Tata Sejuta STIA Mataram 2442-9023 Implementation of Integrated Stunting Prevention Acceleration Policy in Mataram City http://www.ejurnalstiamataram.ac.id/index.php/tatasejuta/article/view/618 <p align="justify"><em>Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by multifactorial cross-generational, to emphasize the problem of stunting in Mataram City, the Mataram City Government issued a policy through Governor Regulation Number 68 of 2020 concerning Integrated Stunting Prevention and Acceleration Reduction Actions. Jempong Baru Village is the area with the highest number of stunting cases compared to other villages in Mataram City. This study aims to analyze the implementation process of the integrated stunting prevention acceleration policy in Mataram City whether it has run optimally or not. This type of research is qualitative with a descriptive method. Data collection by interview, documentation, and observation methods. The results of this study show that the implementation of the integrated stunting prevention acceleration policy in Jempong Baru sub-district has not run optimally. Based on the results of the analysis using the theory of Van Meter and Van Horn policy implementation in Jempong Baru Village, it shows that there are still indicators that have not been achieved properly. Like human resources at the lowest level, especially cadres, are still lacking in terms of quantity and quality. Financial resources specifically for stunting do not yet exist. The attitude of the implementers, especially on public understanding of the policy is still lacking. Economic, social and political environmental conditions have not been fully able to support the achievement of the success of integrated stunting prevention policies.</em></p> Sebtiara Syahrani Krosby Siti Atika Rahmi Mintasrihardi Mintasrihardi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 10 1 29 43 10.32666/tatasejuta.v10i1.618 Tourism Village Senaru Development in the Concept of Public Private Partnership http://www.ejurnalstiamataram.ac.id/index.php/tatasejuta/article/view/619 <p align="justify">This study aims to provide knowledge about how partnerships are carried out between the government and the private sector in the Development of Senaru Tourism Village. This research uses a descriptive approach with a qualitative approach method. Data collection techniques by conducting interviews by preparing several questions to informants, namely the Senaru Village government and private parties. Second, observation by making direct observations by researchers in Senaru Tourism Village. Third, Documentation with shooting in the field. The development of Senaru Tourism Village uses the concept of partnership where cooperation between the government and the private sector uses the approach of "Building, Operating and Transfer". Senaru Village Government has several assets or work units in the field of tourism. Among them there are Waterfall Attractions, Speda Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Traditional House Tourism, Ripertabing Tourism, and other tourist facilities, then the Private Sector plays a role in field operations both in the process of tourist activities and in the development process. Then the second approach is "Build, Own and Operate". Private parties own assets such as villas, hotels, inns and other facilities that are managed privately without any interference from the government.</p> Septiadi Septiadi Septiadi Siti Atika Rahmi Muhammad Aprian Jailani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 10 1 44 55 10.32666/tatasejuta.v10i1.619 Licensing Services at the Capital Investment Service and One Door Integrated Service (DPMPTSP)(Study of Central Lombok Regent Regulation Number 35 of 2022 Concerning the Implementation of Public Service Malls) http://www.ejurnalstiamataram.ac.id/index.php/tatasejuta/article/view/621 <p align="justify"><em>In Central Lombok Regional Regulation No. 35 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Public Service Malls (MPP), which aims to provide fast, affordable and transparent services. The implementation of this MPP is under the auspices of the Department of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) and in this research the focus is on licensing services at DPMPTSP through Public Service Mall innovation.This research aims to find out how licensing services are implemented at DPMPTSP through the Central Lombok Public Service Mall innovation and what factors influence it. The research approach used in this research is a qualitative descriptive research approach where the research results are obtained from interviews with service heads, service secretaries, MPP managers, DPMPTSP staff, service officers, and permit applicants. The results of this research found that the implementation of licensing services at the One Stop Investment and Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP) through the Central Lombok Regency Public Service Mall innovation has gone as expected. This can be seen from the researcher's analysis using indicators of communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. Good communication between organizers and permit applicants is carried out through socialization both online and offline. Human resources are sufficient to carry out services, but after one year they experience obstacles due to a lack of human resources due to the increase in visitors. A clear disposition with standards that have been determined in accordance with statutory regulations. The bureaucratic structure that has been determined will simplify the licensing service process because it runs according to the SOP that has been determined. The combination of these four aspects means that the implementation of licensing services can be carried out properly. These four indicators are also included in what factors influence them. In implementing this policy there are also influencing aspects, namely: Initial information, licensing process, customer service, security, evaluation.</em></p> Rahmad Hidayat Sri Lela Fitri Hidayatullah Hidayatullah M. Ariy Dermawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 10 1 56 79 10.32666/tatasejuta.v10i1.621 BROADCASTING STRATEGIES IN INCREASING LISTENERS' INTEREST (Study at the Republic of Indonesia Radio Public Broadcasting Institution, Jayapura City) http://www.ejurnalstiamataram.ac.id/index.php/tatasejuta/article/view/625 <p align="justify"><em>The rapid development of information and communication technology today</em> <em>has provided space for people to get information easily and quickly</em><em>.</em><em> Information media continues to change along with the development of the era that demands everything is digital.</em><em> This is a challenge for the world of broadcasting, especially radio, to continue to maintain its existence. The purpose of this research is to find out how the strategy carried out by LPP RRI Jayapura in increasing the interest of listeners in the city of Jayapura. The object of this research is LPP RRI Jayapura. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive approach by determining informants by purposive sampling. Data collection is obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study show that in increasing listener interest, LPP RRI Jayapura carries out various strategies including: <strong>First</strong>, In terms of radio broadcast programs, it can be grouped into four stages, namely: a), program planning includes: program ideas, target listeners, broadcasting time, production costs, to organizing work teams. b), program production, program production carried out by LPP RRI Jayapura, namely creating an event program that is suitable for each daypart by meeting the targets in each program. c),&nbsp; program execution, for the leading executor in this case, namely an announcer so that the selection of LPP RRI Jayapura broadcasters adjusts to the character of each program. d), program supervision and evaluation, for supervision in the broadcast process will be accounted for by the head of each program, but in the organizational structure the heads of fields will account to the head of the station, in general supervision and evaluation will be carried out by SPI (Internal Supervisory Rules) RRI every three months. <strong>Second</strong>, RRI Digital broadcast radio Jayapura. The management of digital-based broadcast radio is distributing radio broadcasts on online media such as facebook, youtube, RRIPlay Go application, streaming radio and RRINET.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Key words: Broadcast Strategy, LPP RRI Jayapura, Listener Interest</em></p> Masni Sanmas Nurjayanti Nurjayanti Muhammad Yusron ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 10 1 80 95 10.32666/tatasejuta.v10i1.625 Communicators' Credibility Building Healthy Political Relations in Siompu, South Button District http://www.ejurnalstiamataram.ac.id/index.php/tatasejuta/article/view/628 <p align="justify">Showing quality and intelligence among fellow political competitors is a form of building healthy relationships to show each other's abilities in society. Because intelligence, ability and experience make a person able to compete healthily to attract the attention and sympathy of society. Communication credibility is an important point for every leader to show his skills and seriousness to the community. However, as the era of power and wealth progressed, they became powerful in buying people's votes. People living and still thinking primitively are able to be influenced in such a way by promises which in reality are not commensurate with the reality when they are elected as leaders of the people. Communication credibility exists to be able to implement the public's perception that theory and rhetoric are not only a view to show their seriousness about becoming regional leaders or advancing and prospering the people but can compete in a healthy manner by together having the same dreams and goals to provide progress and peace. and the common welfare of society. Many people are running for mayor and members of the DPR or DPRD of South Buton, so there is a need for healthy relationships and healthy competition so that they continue to neutralize trust and social peace in the community. Healthy political relations are the main point for maintaining ties of brotherhood so that there is no oppression of political power and strength in Siompu, South Buton Regency. The people's choice or vote is very important to determine and make them elected to develop or build this country. However, again, the credibility of effective communication and healthy relationships between political competitors is based on them remaining calm and playing healthily until the public determines their own choices and their confidence in their choices without having to bring down, belittle or destroy each other in the eyes of the public during socializations or public speeches. in front of society.</p> Wa Nur Fida Muh. Rizal Ardiansyah Viki Yana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 10 1 96 104 10.32666/tatasejuta.v10i1.628 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Ownership Structure (Institutional Ownership, Managerial Ownership, Foreign Ownership) on Company Value http://www.ejurnalstiamataram.ac.id/index.php/tatasejuta/article/view/629 <p align="justify"><em>This research aims to examine the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and ownership structure (institutional ownership, managerial ownership, foreign ownership) on company value in basic industrial and chemical manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the 2019-2021 period. The Grand Theory used in this research is legitimacy theory and stakeholder theory. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. The data source obtained for this research is a secondary data source obtained from www.idx.co.id. The research population is basic industrial and chemical companies that went public in 2019-2021. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with the criteria: basic industrial and chemical companies that went public, companies that had no losses and were listed from 2019-2021 with a sample size of 63. The test tool used was multiple regression using the SPSS test tool. The research results show that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has a negative effect on company value. Meanwhile, institutional ownership, managerial ownership and foreign ownership have no effect on company value. This explains that the implementation of CSR is only to fulfill the social contract of the company and society because if the greater the funds spent on this activity, the company's profitability will decrease so that the value of the company also decreases. Meanwhile, the ownership structure cannot intervene to increase company value during the pandemic because external factors have a stronger influence.</em></p> Elin Erlina Sasanti Animah Animah M Ali Fikri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 10 1 105 117 10.32666/tatasejuta.v10i1.629 Behavior of the Secretary in Digital Correspondence at PT Angkasa Pura I Bali (Bloom Taxonomic Perspective) http://www.ejurnalstiamataram.ac.id/index.php/tatasejuta/article/view/633 <p align="justify"><em>Digital correspondence is an activity of creating, sending, receiving and replying to letters by utilizing digital communication technology. There were 41 respondents who filled out the questionnaire completely. The 41 respondents work as secretaries or do secretarial tasks. The observed behavioral domains of the research are based on the classification developed by Bloom, namely, knowledge, attitudes and practices. The analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression which aims to obtain an overall picture of the relationship between variables. Furthermore, using other analyze to interpret descriptive analysis data, classical assumption tests, and hypothesis testing partially and simultaneously. The results of the study show that knowledge, attitudes and practices have a positive and significant effect on secretary behavior in digital correspondence. </em></p> <p align="justify"><em>Knowledge has a partial effect on Secretary Behavior in Digital Correspondence with a value of 9.204 &gt; </em>1.683</p> <p align="justify"><em>Attitude has a partial effect on Secretary Behavior in Digital Correspondence with a value of 28.637 &gt; </em>1.683</p> <p align="justify"><em>Practice has a partial effect on Secretary Behavior in Digital Correspondence with a value of 10.569 &gt; </em>1.683</p> <p align="justify"><em>Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices simultaneously influence the Secretary's Behavior in Digital Correspondence with a value of 505.627 &gt; 2.859.</em></p> <p align="justify"><em>The predictive ability of these three variables on secretarial behavior in digital correspondence is 97.6 % while the rest is influenced by other factors outside the research model.</em></p> I Gusti Lanang Suta Anjli Purnama Sari Made Ayu Jayanti Prita Utami Cokorda Istri Sri Widhari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 10 1 118 138 10.32666/tatasejuta.v10i1.633 Tourism Development Based on Collaborative Governance in Pahlawan Street Center (PSC) Madiun City http://www.ejurnalstiamataram.ac.id/index.php/tatasejuta/article/view/636 <p align="justify"><em>Tourist destinations have prospects for regional progress and regional income generation. Pahlawan Street Center (PSC) in Madiun City is a popular destination, despite its previous condition being a slum area and vulnerable to flooding. This research describes the development of collaborative governance-based tourism in the Madiun City PSC using descriptive qualitative case study methods developed using primary and secondary data findings. The results of the research show that Madiun City PSC tourism can develop inseparable from the role of the Mayor of Maidi government in collaborating with various partners, especially groups of UMKM actors and Regional Apparatus Organizations. The development of Madiun City PSC tourism has had a positive impact on both the community and the government. For the community, the existence of new tourist attractions can help the economy, while for the government, apart from increasing Regional Original Income, on the other hand, it also adds the essence of new tourist interest in Madiun City.</em></p> Isni Wahidiyah Susanto Asrifia Ridwan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 10 1 139 151 10.32666/tatasejuta.v10i1.636 Increasing Internal and External Environmental Adaptation Capabilities in Supporting Improved Micro Business Management in Sidoarjo Regency http://www.ejurnalstiamataram.ac.id/index.php/tatasejuta/article/view/612 <p align="justify"><em>To increase the ability of micro businesses to compete and develop, strength is needed in adapting to the internal and external environment. For this reason, it is necessary to improve their managerial abilities in controlling the environment in a focused manner. For this reason, expertise and strength are needed to adapt to the internal and external environment. To prove this, a survey was conducted on 43 samples of micro business actors in four sub-districts in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java with a total population of 1,020 business units. The four sub-districts include Prambon, Porong, Jabon and Krembung</em>. <em>Based on the results of data and information collection in the four sub-districts, the results showed that micro business actors have weaknesses in three main areas in the process of developing their business management, namely 8.77% are unable to collaborate with business mitra usaha, 12.39% are less able to implement sales networks , and the last 23.62% problem is inability or lack of expertise in utilizing technological advances in developing businesses</em>. <em>Four sub-districts were chosen because they have the highest number of micro business activities compared to other sub-districts. The data collection process is via Microsoft Forms which can be operated via instant messaging through communities and business communication media. To overcome the three main obstacles above, continuous synergy and training is needed from related parties which includes business management development training, training on cooperation opportunities with business mitra usaha, and training on technology adoption that supports business processes. These 43 micro business actors have innovation value from the products they produce and can be developed further to improve their business. Their products consist of packaged food products, clothing products, craft products, herbal or health products, and beverage products</em></p> I Putu Artaya Made Kamisutara I Gede Arimbawa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 10 1 1 16 10.32666/tatasejuta.v10i1.612 Children's Identity Card (KIA) Administration Services Through the Electronic Service Application Information System (Siapel) at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Malang City http://www.ejurnalstiamataram.ac.id/index.php/tatasejuta/article/view/613 <p align="justify"><em>The research aims to explain and describe the quality and description of the implementation of children's identity card services through the electronic service application information system at the Malang City Population and Civil Registration Service. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach, namely a problem-solving approach that relies on descriptions without using data in the form of numbers. Data collection was carried out using interview, observation, and documentation techniques. Data analysis in this research uses 4 components consisting of data collection, data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the research conducted, the child identity card service through the electronic service application information system at the Malang city population and civil registration service has been running quite well. With efforts to fulfill the dimensions of public service quality, namely the tangible dimension (physical evidence), the reliability dimension (reliability), the responsiveness dimension (responsiveness), the assurance dimension (guarantee), the empathy dimension (empathy). Furthermore, the results obtained were that the supporting factors were the availability of adequate support facilities for implementing services, while the inhibiting factors were the lack of resources and lack of public understanding. Recommendations that can be considered based on the implementation of this research are the need to provide a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Electronic Service Application Information System (SIAPEL) program, increase awareness of employees or officers to be friendly and implement 5S (Smile, Greetings, Compliments, Polite and Mannerly), Carrying out training, recruiting employees and conducting scheduled outreach to the community.</em></p> Adhinda Dewi Agustine Yogi Hertanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 10 1 17 28 10.32666/tatasejuta.v10i1.613